On Tuesday, February 28, 2023, the Department of Homeland Security announced a $350 million funding opportunity for the Emergency Food and Shelter Program (EFSP) National Board to fund the humanitarian portion of the program (EFSP-H). This humanitarian funding is designed to support local governments and nonprofit organizations as they assist migrant families and individuals encountered by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) at the southern border.

Eligible organizations providing shelter, food, transportation, basic health and first aid (including COVID-19 testing) and other supportive services to families and individuals encountered by DHS may apply for funding. Funding is prioritized for those service organizations at the Southern Border (to include maritime entrances) where the greatest emergency needs are expected to be met. Organizations outside of the Southern Border may also be eligible for funding if they assist families and individuals encountered by DHS by providing them extensive humanitarian services to meet emergency need. Current or former EFSP participation is not a requisite for participation. 

Local Recipient Organizations (LROs) may apply for humanitarian relief funds to reimburse for eligible expenses incurred from providing services to families and individuals encountered by DHS during the period January 1, 2023 through February 28, 2023 through the EFSP website, www.efsp.unitedway.org, under the Humanitarian Funding Info tab.  The portal is available now. The deadline to submit is April 2, 2023. 

Additionally, the funding method called a Humanitarian Advanced Funding Request (HAFR) will be available for fiscal agents to request funding directly from the National Board on behalf of service agencies in their communities. 

The HAFR portal on www.efsp.unitedway.org will be available from March 3, 2023 until April 2, 2023 for submission of HAFRs. Only Fiscal Agents may submit HAFRs to the National Board. The National Board sends notices of award to Local Boards and SSA Committees as it reviews and approves HAFRs.  

After an eleven-year absence in Washington County, in 2022 the United Way of Washington County took the lead to administer the EFSP and to establish a Local Board that awarded a total of $416,410, a combined total of Phase 39 ($101,793) and ARPAR ($314,617).  In 2023, the Washington County Local Board again awarded EFSP Funding for Phase 40 of $110,182 to twelve nonprofits to address the needs of hungry and homeless people throughout Washington County. The Local Board for Washington County was established with the UWWC Executive Director elected by the EFSP Board to serve as the Chair of the local EFSP Board, which reviews the applications and approves the funding allocations.