The United Way of Washington County welcomes nonprofits who are interested in submitting Community Impact Fund Preliminary Applications for consideration of funding for programs located in our 38-zip code area for grant funding period of the multi-year (FY2022-2023 and FY2023-2024) to attend an informative MANDATORY Meeting.  The meeting will be on Thursday, October 7, 2021, at 3:00 pm at the Cameron Wellness Center, 240 Wellness Way, Washington PA.  If a nonprofit is interested in submitting a Community Impact Fund Preliminary Application, a nonprofit representative is required to attend the meeting.

This informative Mandatory Meeting will outline the process on how to submit a Community Impact Fund Preliminary Application, explain the requirements, and identify other details of the process.  Based on community needs, the United Way of Washington County’s funding priorities focus on the areas of health, financial stability, and education. Nonprofits will be able to submit their Preliminary Applications from October 11 through November 19, 2021.  In December 2021, those nonprofits who have been approved to continue the process will be notified and invited to submit formal Community Impact Fund Grant Applications requesting funding for the multi-year period beginning July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2024. 

Funding recommendations will be made by community members who volunteer to participate on the Community Impact Fund Grant Panels.  These community members give of their time to review the grant applications, ask relevant questions to the nonprofit representatives about the program to be funded and make their recommendations to the United Way of Washington County Board of Directors for the board’s final approval in June 2022. Approval of the grants will be based on the panels’ recommendations, merits of the program, community need and funding dollars available.  

Executive Director of the United Way of Washington County, P. Ann Hrabik, MBA, CFRE, expressed, “The Community Impact Fund, supported by our valued Workplace Giving Campaign Partners and their employees, corporations and organizations’ sponsorship supports, as well as our generous individual donors, allows funding of essential programs in Washington County.  Currently, we provide funding of $240,000 through our Community Impact Fund for 36 programs of 17 nonprofits to improve the lives of individuals in Washington County in the areas of health, financial stability and education.” 

If a nonprofit is interested in learning more and plans to attend on October 7th, please rsvp by filling out the form online at… or by sending an email to by Monday, October 4, 2021. The email should include the name of the nonprofit, the name of the program desiring funding, the areas of focus – health, financial stability and/or education – that the program would fall into, and the name of the representative and his/her contact information who plans to attend the Mandatory Meeting. If the representative would like to participate in our LIVE UNITED Care Drive for a women and children collection to be held during the month of October, please consider having them bring a women’s personal hygiene item or a baby care item to donate.  Items donated will benefit three currently funded programs serving women and children.

The mission of the United Way of Washington County is to unite people, resources, and organizations to improve lives in Washington County.  The United Way of Washington County envisions a community where everyone achieves their human potential through education, financial stability, and healthy lives.